Bookings & Fees

About » Bookings & Fees

Thank you so much for wanting to book me for a book talk, workshop or storytelling session!

Please read on for my most popular events:

Talks & Lectures

The Story of My Life
Kate has wanted to be a writer for as long as she can remember. She talks about her creative journey, her struggles with the catastrophic effects of a tragic childhood accident, and the intriguing inspirations for her best selling and award winning books. Her story is an inspiration to anyone who has always had a dream but has never found the way to pursue it.

Floriography: The Secret History of Flowers
Kate shares the history and folklore of her favourite flowers with a slide show of some of her favourite floral art.

The Pre Raphaelite Sisterhood
Kate tells the enthralling story of the women of the Pre Raphaelite circle of artists, poets, and designers, focusing on Lizzie Siddal, Jane Burden, Georgiana Macdonald and Effie Gray.

Shapeshifting Stories: The Fascinating History of Fairy Tales
Kate’s lifelong interest in myths and fairy tales led her to undertake a doctorate in fairy tale studies and she has since lectured on the subject all over the world. In this engaging and eye opening talk, Kate talks about her own fascination with fairy tales, their long, dark history, and their hidden meanings.


Kate is an accredited performance storyteller and has told tales all over the world, to both adults and children. She knows dozens of tales, and has a small box full of fascinating charms and found objects that a member of the audience can pick at random to help choose the story Kate will tell.

My story box! Every charm & object is linked to a story I tell ...

Posted by Kate Forsyth on Wednesday, 28 April 2021


Kate is an acclaimed teacher of creative writing whose workshops have been known to book out in minutes. She teaches four multi week courses at the Australian Writers Centre.

Otherwise, you can book her to teach one of her very popular online workshops via Zoom, or check out what classes she’ll be teaching soon on her Events page.
Blasting Through Writer’s Block
All writers get blocked sometimes. Yet it’s those writers who learn how to blast through their block age and keep on writing that manage to produce work, year after year, and so build themselves a career as a writer. In this intensive 2 hour workshop, learn how to overcome the fear of the blank page and get the creative juices flowing, how to blast through the fears and doubts holding you back, and how to keep your well of creativity overflowing so that you are always brimming over with ideas, energy and enthusiasm. Suitable for writers at all stages of their creative journey.

Building Castles In The Air
When we write a story, we are opening a door into a fictional world a castle in the air. We want that fictional construct to feel real to the reader, so that they are totally absorbed in the story we have created.

In this 2 hour workshop, Kate Forsyth will share some of her best tips on building a deeply immersive fictional world, useful for writers of all genres and at any stage of their creative journey.

Creating Characters That Spring to Life

Character is the mainspring of any story’s mechanics. And it is also the aspect of creative writing that many authors find
most difficult. In this 2 hour long workshop, Kate Forsyth discusses her own techniques for creating characters and talks
about character arcs, deep point of view, dynamic versus static characters and much more. Time will also be left for
questions.Suitable for aspiring and emerging writers.

Plotting & Planning Essentials
An intense 2 hour workshop designed to give you solid grounding in practical techniques that will help plot your novel,
from inception to your final narrative. This workshop is designed to show you new ways of thinking and developing your
plot, and illuminates the underlying structure of a story, including the Three Act structure, writing a pitch, and
developing a synopsis. Suitable for any writer who struggles to build a plot.

The Writer’s Toolbox
This 2 hour workshop for aspiring authors will give you a comprehensive overview of a creative writer’s toolbox, and the confidence to begin using your tools. Topics covered:
  • Character Basics, including the protagonist &the antagonisí
  • Point of View
  • Archetypes versus Stereotypes
  • Scenes & Chapters
  • Beginnings & Endings
  • Action, Dialogue & Description
  • World Building
Writing Joyously with Kate Forsyth
A 2-hour Creative Writing Workshop designed to reignite your Joy in Creativity Writing a book is not easy. It can, however, be something that brings you an enormous sense of joy and creative fulfilment.

If you have lost your joy in writing, join Kate Forsyth for a three-hour long workshop designed to inspire and energise you once again. Learn how to write with mindfulness and flow, how to build up your writing stamina, and how to rediscover your sense of creative wonder and freedom.

Here Are My Rates

1 hour workshop or lecture= $350 + GST
2 hour workshop= $700 + GST
3 hour workshop= $1050 + GST
A full day workshop (max. 6 hours)= $2000
Appearance on a panel with other writers = $300 per hour 
A Keynote Speech= $2000
Mentoring & Story Doctor consultations= $350 per hour

If you are wanting a long term mentoring
relationship with me, please check out the Australia Writers Mentoring Program. You can book through their website.

If your location is within driving distance of Sydney CBD, I also charge $50 per hour travelling time, plus 63c per kilometre car expenses. If the drive is 48 more than 90 minutes from Sydney CBD, I will need to stay overnight or flights must be paid for (business class if flying time is greater than 5 hours).

If I am required to stay overnight, all my accommodation and expenses must also be paid.

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