The Shining City


Imprisoned in Sorrowgate Tower, Rhiannon awaits trial for murder and treason, while her winged horse, Blackthorn, flies forlornly over Lucescere, the Shining City, her bond of loyalty to Rhiannon keeping her near. Rhiannon is haunted by the malevolent ghost of a dead queen, hungry to live again - and she is not the only one having prophetic nightmares. But with the court filled with intrigue as the midsummer wedding of betrothed royal cousins Donncan MacCuinn and Bronwen approaches, there is no one to listen to the dreams of a few. Then the royal family is torn apart by murder and the mysterious disappearance of the heir to the throne, and it is discovered that Rhiannon has escaped on the back of her flying horse... Description of the Book

Updated synopsis

Imprisoned in Sorrowgate Tower, Rhiannon awaits her trial for murder and treason, while the winged horse Blackthorn flies forlornly over the Shining City. Alone and in terrible fear for the future, Rhiannon is haunted by the malevolent ghost of a dead queen who has a hunger to live again.

Meanwhile, Lewen must resume his studies at the Tower of Two Moons with the other apprentice-witches, among them the banprionnsa Olwynne NicCuinn, who desires more than friendship from Lewen. Drawn back into the intrigues of the court, Lewen finds his loyalty to Rhiannon tested to the utmost limit.

Preoccupied with the upcoming wedding of the royal cousins, Donncan and Bronwen, Isabeau the Keybearer fails to investigate Rhiannon's tale of necromancy and ghosts, to her cost. By the time she realises that dark spirits have indeed been disturbed, it is too late, and the royal family is brought face to face with She Who Cuts The Thread.

An excerpt from The Shining City is available after the glossary in The Tower of Ravens!

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