It was my 50th birthday last year & so I set out to fulfill as many items on my 50/50 project as possible.
You may not know about The 50/50 Project – it’s simply a list of dreams and plans and ambitions that I hope to make come true. There’s no deadline, and I probably will never achieve all of them, but it is fun trying!
No 25 on my list is to ride in a helicopter, and so my lovely husband organised a secret adventure on the day of my birthday (which is 3rd June – sorry, it’s taken me a while to post about it!)
June is winter in Sydney and it was a cold, wet, blustery day.
My husband thought it was a shame, because Sydney is so beautiful when it sparkles in the sunshine, but I didn’t mind at all.
In fact, it was so exciting and atmospheric seeing the raindrops hit the glass and feeling the wind rattle the rotors.
Then we went out for lunch, and my husband gave me another wonderful surprise - some gorgeous ruby earrings!
So I was very spoilt on my 50th birthday ... and I can cross another thing off my bucket list!